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Call for Papers
Scope and Topics

The International Conference on Quantitative Evaluation of SysTems (QEST) is the leading forum on quantitative evaluation and verification of computer systems and networks. Areas of interest include quantitative specification methods, stochastic and non-deterministic models and metrics for performance, reliability, safety, correctness, and security. QEST is interested in both theoretical and experimental research. QEST welcomes a diversity of modelling formalisms, programming languages and methodologies that incorporate quantitative aspects such as probabilities, temporal properties and other forms of non-determinism. This includes work on the combination of quantitative evaluation and verification with machine learning techniques. Papers may advance empirical, simulation and analytic methods. Of particular interest are case studies that highlight the role of quantitative specification, modelling and evaluation in the design of systems. Systems of interest include computer hardware and software architectures, communication systems, cyber-physical systems, infrastructural systems, security systems and biological systems. Papers that describe novel tools to support the practical application of research results in all of the above areas are also welcome.

Special Issue

Extended versions of the best papers will be considered for a fast-track publication in a Special Issue of the ACM Transactions of Modelling and Computer Simulation.

Important Dates
Abstract submission:
29 March 18 April 2019
Paper submission (strict):
5 April 18 April 2019
(anywhere on earth)
Author notification: 7 June 2019
Final version due: 29 June 2019
Conference: 10-12 September 2019

All accepted papers (including tool demonstrations) must be presented at the conference by one of the authors. The QEST 2019 proceedings will be published in the Springer LNCS series and indexed by ISI Web of Science, Scopus, ACM Digital Library, dblp, Google Scholar. All submitted papers will be evaluated by at least three reviewers on the basis of their originality, technical quality, scientific or practical contribution to the state of the art, methodology, clarity, and adequacy of references.

QEST considers five types of papers:

  • Theoretical: advance our understanding, apply to non-trivial problems and be mathematically rigorous.
  • Methodological and technical: describe situations that require the development and proposal of new analysis processes and techniques.
  • Application: describes a novel application, and compares with previous results.
  • Tools: should motivate the development of the new tools and the formalisms they support, with a focus on the software architecture and practical capabilities.
  • Tool demonstration: describe a relevant tool, as well as its features, evaluation, or any other information that may demonstrate the merits of the tool.

Submissions must be prepared in LaTeX, following Springer's LNCS guidelines. Submitted papers should not exceed 16 pages (4 pages for tool demonstrations). Papers must be unpublished and not be submitted for publication elsewhere. Authors of tool papers (both regular and demonstration) must make their tools and input data available to reviewers; reproducibility of results will be taken into account during the evaluation process, and the conference will include a demo session. Authors should present use cases, distinctive features, and computational/memory requirements through motivating examples. Theoretical background need not be presented in tool demonstration papers; substantial improvements are required for existing tools.

Papers should be submitted electronically using the EasyChair online submission system.