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Getting there by plane
  • Rennes Airport (Rennes St Jacques): Rennes's airport is 70 km from St Malo. It is served by direct flights from Paris Charles De Gaulle (the usual path), Lyon, Nice, Toulouse, Bordeaux, Strasbourg, Marseille, Dublin, Southampton...
    Please find here the timetables if needed.
    From Rennes, you can rent a car, take a taxi (at least 250 U$S!), or the train (see below).
  • If more information needed, see Paris Airports (car rental, terminal maps...).

  • From people coming from UK, Dinard Airport (Pleurtuit) is another possibility. It is about 10 km from St Malo. The taxi fare from Dinard to St Malo is approximatively 20 euros.)
Getting there by train

This is the most convenient from Paris. You have several possibilities:
  • You can take the TGV (high speed train). There are trains directly from Charles De Gaulle to Rennes from Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport or from Paris downtown, Montparnasse station. Find here the timetables from (and to) Charles De Gaulle airport, and here from (and to) Montparnasse station. See also here the timetables between Rennes and St Malo. Last, here you have the train timetable between London and Paris.
  • Some of those trains arrive directly to Saint Malo. Much more are going to Rennes, where you can easiliy get a connection to Saint Malo (30 minutes of waiting time, max).
For walking from the train station to the conference's place (the "Palais du Grand Large"), you can follow this. Otherwise, a taxi will need a few minutes.

More information on the SNCF web site.

Getting there by road
  • By car:
    from Paris-Rennes 3 1/2 hours
    from Rennes to Saint Malo 45mn

    You can consult Mappy to obtain a precise itinerary.
rseau routier